Top 10 Facts of the Compass Juan Díaz

1. The compass is used for navigation 

2. Chinese south pointing spoon , one of the first forms of the compass

3. During the World War II compasses we’re smuggled to the prisoners of war in German camps used for escape.

4.  The compass have cardinal directions( north,south,east and west)

5. The compass was invented more than 2,000 years ago.


1. They say that the Chinese Dysnasty create the compass

2.Also they say that Flavio Gaioa was the first Inventor of the compass

3. They build a monument of Flavio Gaioa in Almafi,Italy because in honor that invented the compass

4. The compass was the born idea to build the gps without the compass we wouldn’t now about the GPS

5. A Chinese militar was the first to use the compass there are many inventors that they don’t know who invented the compass.

Juan Andrés Díaz Benalcázar 

Sources: Paper about the compass


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