Formative Activity/ Eldgjá,Iceland



 It was discovered in 1803 by Þorvaldur Thoroddsen and the first documented eruption in 934 was the largest flood basalt in historic time. 

Eldgja is the largest volcanic canyon in the world, approx. 40 km long, 270 m deep and 600 m wide at its greatest.

A devastating volcanic eruption that struck early Viking settlers in Iceland may have been viewed as an act of God and driven their conversion to Christianity, according to a new study.
Iceland is a nation built on volcanoes, and Eldgjá lava flood is the island’s largest volcanic eruption in recorded history.


  1. I really like the design of the blog. The title is very nice but I think you lack a little bit of information, I feel that you could have written more information but overall it is still a good blog.

  2. The design of the blog and the information are very good, but you should put more pictures of the Iceland volcano


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